Jeff Lerner | Guerrilla Marketing Volume 1: Advertising and Marketing

Guerrilla Marketing Volume 1: Advertising and Marketing Definitions, Ideas, Tactics, Examples, and Campaigns to Inspire Your Business Success

by Jay Conrad Levinson, Jason Myers, Merrilee Kimble

I'm a big fan of this product. The course is well laid out and easy to follow. I've learned so much from it, especially how to create digital assets that can be sold on the internet. This has helped me greatly in my business as an affiliate marketer because now when I do promotion for other companies online, I have found ways to make money by selling their products directly through my website with little or no marketing costs involved. -RH

Guerrilla marketers are unique. They know this and promote it. Merrilee Kimble and Jason Myers had to think about how they could make the book stand out. Guerrilla Marketing Jay Conrad Levinson introduced the book in 1984. He has helped entrepreneurs, small and large businesses, solopreneurs and anyone with an idea that could become a business.

How does it all start? It all starts with Guerrilla Marketing.

Merrilee and Jason spend the first section of Guerrilla Marketing reviewing the foundational elements of Guerrilla Marketing. The remaining sections of Guerrilla Marketing share today's Guerrilla Marketing techniques, tools and tips. These are the Guerrilla Marketing tools that every business must have to succeed and make profits. A companion course is also offered for entrepreneurs to continue building their Guerrilla Marketing foundation. The companion course features video tutorials and exercises that Jason and Merrilee take entrepreneurs deeper into the foundation of Guerrilla Marketing. Guerrilla Marketing includes 70+ online tools for small business.

Jay Conrad Levison’s unusual marketing system is being continued by Jason and Merrilee. They help small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), to understand marketing and how it works. Understanding the potential of Guerrilla Marketing and the power it can provide to your SMB will not only level the playing field against the competition but also make it more favorable for you.


Lantana, Fl

  • Review 1

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  • Reader Type: Literary Reader



5 out of 5 stars.

· 17 days ago

Priceless Tips!

Don't miss out on this business gem! The tools offered

are simple, specific and designed to grow your

business. This book is just what I was looking for. It

covers a lot of marketing and it's filled with actionable

information, really great tools, and online resources.

I've already put it to work for my business. I had heard

of Guerrilla Marketing, but I didn't really know what it

was - I'm glad I do now. It's different and more

effective than I thought. This is a must-buy book

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  • Couldn't Put It Down

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  • I recommend this product.