Jeff Lerner | Brand Gap, The: Revised Edition

Brand Gap, The: Revised Edition

by Marty Neumeier

I was struggling to get my Youtube videos seen by the right people. I tried everything but nothing worked. Then, I came across Jeff Lerner's Marketing Method and it changed my life! The marketing method is easy to follow, effective and it works very well! After following his steps on how to grow your social media accounts, you will see a significant increase in your followers and likes on every single one of your channels within just 2-3 days. - FG

THE BRAND GAP is the first book to offer a comprehensive theory on brand-building. While most books on branding tend to be focused on either a creative or strategic approach, this book shows how both can work together to create a "charismatic" brand -- a brand that customers find essential to their lives. This entertaining book is two hours long and will teach you:

* The new brand definition

* The five fundamental disciplines of brand-building

* How branding is changing competition dynamics

* The three most powerful questions you can ask about any brand

* Why collaboration is key to brand building

* How design influences a customer's experience

* How to quickly and inexpensively test brand concepts

* The importance of managing brands from within

* 220-word brand glossary

From the back cover

A book has not condensed so many ideas in so few pages since McLuhan’s THE MEDIUM IS THE MESSAGE. Neumeier uses the visual language of the boardroom to present the first unifying theory of branding. This is a collection of five disciplines that help companies bridge the gap between customer experience and brand strategy. The new perspectives offered by this book will inspire those with a good grasp of branding. Those who don't want to get confused will find inspiration.